  1. Windows Vista Run This Program As An Administrator Grayed Out Word
  2. Windows Vista Run This Program As An Administrator Grayed Out Text

Windows Vista Run This Program As An Administrator Grayed Out Word

COMPATIBILITY TAB GRAYED OUT???HOW TO BYPASS IT IN WINDOWS VISTA?- open REGEDIT- goto 'HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionAppCompatFlagsLayers'- create a new String Value- name or rename it as the application full path e.g. ' C:ProgramFilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe ' to modify compatibilty 'layer'of Internet Explorer, normally with Com tab obscured because it ispart of the system, the actual Windows Vista version.- right click on the new String and select Modify- type RUNASADMIN in the Value Data row; this will classify theprogram to be run as Administrator.This allows you to bypass the GUI mode of settings editing.

Instead uedit settings by registry. And of course you can ignore the advancedproperties of the shortcut.

Windows Vista Run This Program As An Administrator Grayed Out Text

Better launch the program in defaultadministrator mode!I've used it for Internet Explorer (iexplore.exe) that is part of thesystem.A desktop shortcut can be set to run as administrative mode.But, if i launch the IE7 browser from a URL or Favorite link this won'twork and Windows Vista will run it in User Mode. UNLESS I'VE CHANGEDTHOSE OPTIONS WITH REGEDIT. To run regedit go to Start Menu and then'Run.'

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