Smbx 1.4 Level Editor

Posted on  by  admin

The first thing we must do is define the rotation center of our circumference. I'm going to put this BGO at the center guessing it's our circumference (you can put it where you want) Once you did this Go to 'Layers and make a new one You can put the name you want for this layer. In my case, I'll name it 'Spin Coins! Put the objects that will make circular movements under this layer. Now, go to 'Scripts' And make a new one called 'Spin' Copy the code that is on the video description and paste it here, on this Script. Where is typed 'Layer', change the word to 'Spin Coins' (or whatever be the name of the layer you made) Now, we need the coordinates X & Y of the 'Central Block' (I mean the BGO black-block) Choose this tool Now, press and keep pressing the key 'F11' A triangle will appear.

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Put it on the top left-hand corner of the 'Central Block' (in this case the black BGO) Now, copy/save these coordenates. And type it on the Script Change the word 'Pos X' for the first code And change the word 'Pos Y' for the second code.

I’ve been into computers heavily since 1980 and it’s become really frustrating. Powershell shortcut run as administrator greyed out. Computers were suppose to make our lives easier. The no longer are.

Because an error could make the code completely useless! By last, go to 'Events' That's all! If you made the steps correctly the it should work fine!

Be sure you did all right before testing! You can experiment with others kinds of rotation. You also can modify the spinning speed changing this value! THANK YOU FOR WATCHING!


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If you want an specific tutorial or if you got any error please leave a comment!

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