Pre Calculus For Dummies Ebook
Author: Mary Jane SterlingPublisher: For DummiesISBN:Category: MathematicsPage: 416View: 515Get ahead in pre-calculus Pre-calculus courses have become increasingly popular with 35 percent of students in the U.S. Taking the course in middle or high school. Often, completion of such a course is a prerequisite for calculus and other upper level mathematics courses. Pre-Calculus For Dummies is an invaluable resource for students enrolled in pre-calculus courses.
By presenting the essential topics in a clear and concise manner, the book helps students improve their understanding of pre-calculus and become prepared for upper level math courses. Provides fundamental information in an approachable manner Includes fresh example problems Practical explanations mirror today’s teaching methods Offers relevant cultural references Whether used as a classroom aid or as a refresher in preparation for an introductory calculus course, this book is one you’ll want to have on hand to perform your very best.
Author: Yang KuangPublisher: John Wiley & SonsISBN:Category: MathematicsPage: 408View: 106The fun and easy way to learn pre-calculus Getting ready for calculus but still feel a bit confused? Pre-Calculus For Dummies is an un-intimidating,hands-on guide that walks you through all the essential topics,from absolute value and quadratic equations to logarithms andexponential functions to trig identities and matrix operations.
With this guide's help you'll quickly and painlessly get ahandle on all of the concepts — not just the number crunching— and understand how to perform all pre-calc tasks, fromgraphing to tackling proofs. You'll also get a new appreciation forhow these concepts are used in the real world, and find out thatgetting a decent grade in pre-calc isn't as impossible as youthought. Updated with fresh example equations and detailedexplanations Tracks to a typical pre-calculus class Serves as an excellent supplement to classroom learning If 'the fun and easy way to learn pre-calc' seems like acontradiction, get ready for a wealth of surprises inPre-Calculus For Dummies! Author: Mary Jane SterlingPublisher: John Wiley & SonsISBN:Category: MathematicsPage: 560View: 739Prepare for calculus the smart way, with customizable pre-calculus practice 1,001 Pre-Calculus Practice Problems For Dummies offers 1,001 opportunities to gain confidence in your math skills.
Much more than a workbook, this study aid provides pre-calculus problems ranked from easy to advanced, with detailed explanations and step-by-step solutions for each one. The companion website gives you free online access to all 1,001 practice problems and solutions, and you can track your progress and ID where you should focus your study time. Accessible on the go by smart phone, tablet, or computer, the online component works in conjunction with the book to polish your skills and confidence in preparation for calculus. Calculus-level math proficiency is required for college STEM majors. Pre-calculus introduces you to the concepts you'll learn in calculus, and provides you with a solid foundation of methods and skills that are essential to calculus success. 1,001 Pre-Calculus Practice Problems For Dummies gives you the practice you need to master the skills and conquer pre-calculus.
Pre Calculus For Beginners
Companion website includes: All 1,001 practice problems in multiple choice format Customizable practice sets for self-directed study Problems ranked as easy, medium, and hard Free one-year access to the online question bank Math is notorious for giving students trouble, and calculus is the #1 offender. Pre-calculus is the perfect calculus prep, and 1,001 Pre-Calculus Practice Problems For Dummies gives you 1,001 opportunities to get it right. Author: Yang KuangPublisher: John Wiley & SonsISBN:Category: MathematicsPage: 336View: 430Get the confidence and math skills you need to get started withcalculus Are you preparing for calculus? This hands-on workbook helps youmaster basic pre-calculus concepts and practice the types ofproblems you'll encounter in the course. You'll get hundreds ofvaluable exercises, problem-solving shortcuts, plenty of workspace,and step-by-step solutions to every problem. You'll also memorizethe most frequently used equations, see how to avoid commonmistakes, understand tricky trig proofs, and much more.Pre-Calculus Workbook For Dummies is the perfect tool foranyone who wants or needs more review before jumping into acalculus class.
You'll get guidance and practical exercisesdesigned to help you acquire the skills needed to excel inpre-calculus and conquer the next contender-calculus. Serves as a course guide to help you master pre-calculusconcepts Covers the inside scoop on quadratic equations, graphingfunctions, polynomials, and more Covers the types of problems you'll encounter in yourcoursework With the help of Pre-Calculus Workbook For Dummies you'lllearn how to solve a range of mathematical problems as well assharpen your skills and improve your performance. Author: Mary Jane SterlingPublisher: John Wiley & SonsISBN:Category: MathematicsPage: 368View: 688Get a handle on pre-calculus in a pinch! If you’re tackling pre-calculus and want to up your chances of doing your very best, this hands-on workbook is just what you need to grasp and retain the concepts that will help you succeed. Inside, you’ll get basic content review for every concept, paired with examples and plenty of practice problems, ample workspace, step-by-step solutions, and thorough explanations for each and every problem. In Pre-Calculus Workbook For Dummies, you’ll also get free access to a quiz for every chapter online! With all of the lessons and practice offered, you’ll memorize the most frequently used formulas, see how to avoid common mistakes, understand tricky trig proofs, and get the inside scoop on key concepts such as quadratic equations.
Get ample review before jumping into a calculus course Supplement your classroom work with easy-to-follow guidance Make complex formulas and concepts more approachable Be prepared to further your mathematics studies Whether you’re enrolled in a pre-calculus class or you’re looking for a refresher as you prepare for a calculus course, this is the perfect study companion to make it easier. Author: Michelle Rose GilmanPublisher: John Wiley & SonsISBN:Category: MathematicsPage: 312View: 931Get the confidence and the math skills you need to get started with calculus! Are you preparing for calculus? This easy-to-follow, hands-on workbook helps you master basic pre-calculus concepts and practice the types of problems you'll encounter in your cour sework.
You get valuable exercises, problem-solving shortcuts, plenty of workspace, and step-by-step solutions to every problem. You'll also memorize the most frequently used equations, see how to avoid common mistakes, understand tricky trig proofs, and much more. 100s of Problems! Detailed, fully worked-out solutions to problems The inside scoop on quadratic equations, graphing functions, polynomials, and more A wealth of tips and tricks for solving basic calculus problems. Author: Mark RyanPublisher: John Wiley & SonsISBN:Category: MathematicsPage: 384View: 164Calculus For Dummies, 2nd Edition (491) was previously published as Calculus For Dummies, 2nd Edition (295). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.
Slay the calculus monster with this user-friendly guide Calculus For Dummies, 2nd Edition makes calculus manageable—even if you're one of the many students who sweat at the thought of it. By breaking down differentiation and integration into digestible concepts, this guide helps you build a stronger foundation with a solid understanding of the big ideas at work. This user-friendly math book leads you step-by-step through each concept, operation, and solution, explaining the 'how' and 'why' in plain English instead of math-speak.
Through relevant instruction and practical examples, you'll soon learn that real-life calculus isn't nearly the monster it's made out to be. Calculus is a required course for many college majors, and for students without a strong math foundation, it can be a real barrier to graduation. Breaking that barrier down means recognizing calculus for what it is—simply a tool for studying the ways in which variables interact. It's the logical extension of the algebra, geometry, and trigonometry you've already taken, and Calculus For Dummies, 2nd Edition proves that if you can master those classes, you can tackle calculus and win.
Includes foundations in algebra, trigonometry, and pre-calculus concepts Explores sequences, series, and graphing common functions Instructs you how to approximate area with integration Features things to remember, things to forget, and things you can't get away with Stop fearing calculus, and learn to embrace the challenge. With this comprehensive study guide, you'll gain the skills and confidence that make all the difference. Calculus For Dummies, 2nd Edition provides a roadmap for success, and the backup you need to get there. Author: Mark RyanPublisher: John Wiley & SonsISBN:Category: MathematicsPage: 288View: 847From differentiation to integration - solve problems with ease Got a grasp on the terms and concepts you need to know, but get lost halfway through a problem or, worse yet, not know where to begin? Have no fear! This hands-on guide focuses on helping you solve the many types of calculus problems you encounter in a focused, step-by-step manner. With just enough refresher explanations before each set of problems, you'll sharpen your skills and improve your performance.
You'll see how to work with limits, continuity, curve-sketching, natural logarithms, derivatives, integrals, infinite series, and more! 100s of Problems! Step-by-step answer sets clearly identify where you went wrong (or right) with a problem The inside scoop on calculus shortcuts and strategies Know where to begin and how to solve the most common problems Use calculus in practical applications with confidence. Author: Peter J.
MikuleckyPublisher: John Wiley & SonsISBN:Category: Study AidsPage: 416View: 277Gearing up for the AP Chemistry exam? AP Chemistry For Dummies is packed with all the resources and help you need to do your very best. This AP Chemistry study guide gives you winning test-taking tips, multiple-choice strategies, and topic guidelines, as well as great advice on optimizing your study time and hitting the top of your game on test day. This user-friendly guide helps you prepare without perspiration by developing a pre-test plan, organizing your study time, and getting the most out or your AP course. You’ll get help understanding atomic structure and bonding, grasping atomic geometry, understanding how colliding particles produce states, and much more. Two full-length practice exams help you build your confidence, get comfortable with test formats, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and focus your studies. Discover how to Create and follow a pretest plan Understand everything you must know about the exam Develop a multiple-choice strategy Figure out displacement, combustion, and acid-base reactions Get familiar with stoichiometry Describe patterns and predict properties Get a handle on organic chemistry nomenclature Know your way around laboratory concepts, tasks, equipment, and safety Analyze laboratory data Use practice exams to maximize your score AP Chemistry For Dummies gives you the support, confidence, and test-taking know-how you need to demonstrate your ability when it matters most.